What experience do I need to learn TM?
None! I’ve taught many people who haven’t meditated before and know very little about TM and they meditate successfully & enjoy the course as much as anyone else. Because TM is a simple, natural technique, which works almost by itself, previous experience of other meditation techniques isn’t necessary. People who have practised other meditation techniques usually say “TM is so much easier!”
How do I know I’ll be able to do it?
TM works for everyone. It’s not the case that some people are ‘better’ at it than others. TM uses a tendency that the mind already has which is the tendency for the mind to go in the direction of anything it finds interesting and enjoyable. It’s enjoyable to sit comfortably and experience the mind and body becoming deeply relaxed during TM and so once you know how to start the technique, it goes almost by itself.
I’d never be able to sit still to meditate for 20 minutes.
No problem, you don’t have to! I’ve taught many fidgets to meditate and more are welcome.
How do I know it’ll work for me?
TM is taught in a specific and thorough way. You begin with a one-to-one instruction from your teacher which lasts an hour. You’re shown how to do TM straight away and your teacher takes you through the process step-by-step. Then you meditate at home and come back the next day for two group sessions. After more meditation at home you come back on the Monday for a final group session. These four sessions give you enough experience of mediating and enough knowledge about how it works for you to continue TM by yourself at home. You can also then come to regular group meditations in Moseley and check that you’re meditating correctly.
What will I actually learn?
TM uses sound to allow the awareness to experience increasing rest and relaxation. These sounds are called mantras. TM mantras come from an ancient oral tradition and have always been passed on in a specific and careful way from teacher to student which ensures the effectiveness of the teaching. Because it’s an oral tradition, TM needs to be taught by word of mouth by a qualified teacher who can take you through the technique step-by-step and explain it. It’s important to understand that TM is not just ‘a mantra’. To practice TM correctly you need a qualified teacher, the correct mantra, the correct process of using the mantra and the understanding of your experiences and what correct meditation is in order to be able to meditate correctly and enjoy the benefits of meditation. We always teach TM in a 4-step course with free follow-up.
What does TM feel like?
TM is often described as ‘restful alertness’ as it’s an experience of feeling rested and yet alert and awake. If you imagine a cocktail party in a room filled with bubbling conversation and then the guests begin to leave bit by bit slowly allowing the room to become quieter, this is similar to the practice of TM and the experience of the mind becoming more settled.
Is TM connected with religion?
No TM is a technique. It doesn’t involve any belief system, devotion or religious faith. It doesn’t conflict with any religion or beliefs.
What are the main benefits of TM?
Deep rest. TM allows the body to enjoy a deep level of rest spontaneously and without effort. This rest, experienced regularly, is the basis for most of the health benefits that TM brings. The effortless nature of the practice means it’s something that people look forward to doing everyday and in this way, it becomes easy to meditate regularly and enjoy the benefits.